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valutazione rischio sismico

Natural hazards
Seismic risk
All of Italy is classified as seismically active. Therefore, every piece of infrastructure, new and existing, has to deal with seismic risk. ISMES has extensive experience in se ismic risk assessment of dams, buildings and other structures. ISMES uses both linear and non-linear 2D and 3D models to evaluate the seismic behavior of concrete (arch […]
Civil Infrastructure
Transport Infrastructure
Civil and Infrastructure Engineering is a field that encompasses competences such as geology, geotechnics, hydraulics, structural engineering and construction management. Civil engineering supports human activity and safety in sectors such as infrastructure, electric power generation and transmission, oil and gas, seismic and hydrogeological risk management, transport and urban communities. ISMES, CESI’s specialist civil engineering company, […]
Monitoring architecture & design
ISMES provides integrated monitoring systems services, from defining the required quantities for measuring the relevant phenomenon, to the architecture most suited to the gathering of data and support in analyzing and interpreting the  data. The monitoring systems that ISMES designs and installs combine traditional technology such as instruments for measuring displacement, deformation, pressure and force […]
Civil Engineering
Works’ supervision
Construction is the process between the design and the final product. Properly managing the construction phase enables the transformation of an idea  (the design) into a real structure. ISMES expertise in this area includes: The aim of such activities is:
Civil Engineering
Seismic & hydrogeological risk assessment
All of Italy is classified as seismically active, so every piece of infrastructure, both new and existing, has to deal with the risk of earthquakes. ISMES has extensive experience in the seismic risk assessment of dams, buildings and other structures. ISMES uses both linear and non-linear 2D and 3D models to evaluate the seismic behavior […]
Civil Engineering
Feasibility studies
ISMES has a wide range of expertise in feasibility studies in all branches of Civil Engineering: ISMES carries out feasibility studies for civil infrastructure (such as roads, highways, railways, etc.) as well as for Power infrastructures (HydroPower Dams, RES power plants, Power interconnections, HV Substations..). These studies define the main aspects of civil engineering works […]
Operation Optimization
Grid code compliance
As the power system decarbonizes, balancing services will have to evolve as well, starting with frequency and voltage control. Every power plant must prove its compliance to the grid code requirements, running specific tests when it is commissioned and upgraded and on a regular basis thereafter. With our deep experience of grid code requirements and […]
Operation Optimization
Monitoring systems
CESI has extensive experience in monitoring power plants and industrial facilities, providing information about the status and behaviour of specific equipment or systems. CESI has developed specialized monitoring systems for areas including:
Advisory services
Operational studies
The ongoing decarbonization of power systems is introducing new challenges in terms of managing transmission and distribution networks while guaranteeing the security and resilience of the system: the generation mix is undergoing an evolution (in some cases a revolution), with more distributed generation coming onto the system, more alternative energy storage capacity being added, and […]
Advisory services
Planning studies
The ongoing decarbonization of power systems is affecting them in a variety of ways, including: a (r)evolution in the generation mix, the rise of distributed generation, the deployment of energy storage capacity, enhanced interconnections between countries and more integrated power markets. In addition, the electrification of sectors that still rely on fossil fuels is changing […]
Servizi di consulenza
Studi strutturali di Ingegneria Civile
ISMES, società appartenente al Gruppo CESI, dispone di un pool di tecnici con una lunga esperienza nell’analisi strutturale nel campo dell’ingegneria civile. Le nostre competenze ci permettono di studiare e supervisionare il comportamento e la sicurezza delle infrastrutture (impianti, manufatti civili, opere d’arte viarie, monumenti storici). Studi strutturali di ingegneria civile, dighe e sistemi di monitoraggio […]
​Milan, October 6, 2019 – CESI is attending EP Shanghai, the 12th International Exhibition on Electric Power Equipment and Technology. On this occasion, the company is showing at booth 2E46  its innovative services related to testing: from HP/HV tests on very high voltage equipment to HVDC and HVAC cables power and distribution transformers and surge […]
​The testing sector plays a fundamental part of the electricity sector and is undergoing a deep transformation thanks to innovation and technology. But the watchword is “safety”. In fact, electricity products must guaranteesafe operating standards and even more governments and agencies have developed rigorous requirements for electrical products that are sold world-wide. That’s where testing […]
Brescia, June 16-17th2018 – CESI won the first prize of the “Negotiorum Fucina 2018” contest organized by the Italian Association of Purchasing & Supply Management (ADACI). In particular, CESI has been rewarded under the category “Supply Chain Management”. In this respect, CESI’ procurement Department presented a report entitled “Purchasing-Operations  task force for a variable-composition team […]
Technical papers
Sustainable management of hydroelectric basins: multicriteria analysis on social and environmental assessment of alternative sites for settlement of dug sediments
​Referring to the management of artificial basins, the reservoir sedimentation caused by erosion process and the consequent sediment transport and deposit in the basin is a fundamental aspect to be considered. The filling, or partial filling, with silt of a reservoir that receives fine-grained sediment brought in by streams and surface runoff leads to a […]